JACC Fall 2021 Conference: General Information
Draft schedule; subject to change: [sched url=”http://jaccfallconference2021.sched.com/” width=”800″]
Draft schedule; subject to change: [sched url=”http://jaccfallconference2021.sched.com/” width=”800″]
These are for student work submitted for judging from the 2019-2020 academic year. This shows the first 50 records. This is a sortable datasheet and […]
These are for student work submitted for judging from the 2019-2020 academic year. This shows the first 50 records. This is a sortable datasheet and […]
NOVEMBER 8, 2020—One of the positive aspects of attending a conference is looking forward to seeing long-time friends and colleagues, meeting new friends, networking and […]
General information and links to the conference working space at QiqoChat, the schedule and other general information.
Schedule for the Fall 2020 JACC Conference / Sched.com