JACC Executive Board Meeting Minutes June 14, 2014
Board members present: Emily Rabasto, Jhanelle Rivera, Rick Flores, Patricia Stark, Kate
McLaughlin, Walter Hammerwold, (Judy House. Note Below Reappointment.)
Staff members present: Timi Poeppelman, Staci Baird, Kelly Goff
Called to order 3:35 p.m.
- Approve minutes for April 12, 2014, meeting, with amendments proposed this morning.
Rick moved, Walter seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Appoint Judy House as Northern California Director, retroactive to April 2014, for a full 2year
Kate moved, Jhanelle seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Eliminate the following existing bringin categories for regional and state conferences:
advertisement, photo and audioslideshow.
Walter moved, Rick seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 3:57 p.m.