Minutes: August 7, 2014

JACC Board Meeting
August 7, 2014, Minutes


Present: Patricia Stark, Kate McLaughlin, Walter Hammerwold, Kelly Goff (staff), Jhanelle Rivera, Rick Flores, Emily Rabasto

Absent: Timi Poeppelman (staff), Staci Baird (staff)

Vacant positions: Four-year staff member, Outside organization member


4:35 p.m. Meeting called to order


  1. Approval of June meeting minutes with addendum noting retreat meeting times outside official meeting.

Judy moved; Rick seconded → APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY

  1. Discussion item: Notice of upcoming meetings
  2. Financial Report from Kelly Goff

Motion to discontinue Survey Monkey moved to second reading for October meeting

  1. Discussion item: Student recruitment efforts (Rick Flores)
  2. JACC Constitution revisions (Kate McLaughlin)

Move to bring to general membership

Rick moved; Walter seconded → APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY

  1. Discussion item: Compilation of JACC Manual (Patricia Stark)
  2. Discussion item: Update on the contest committee meetings (Judy House)
  3. Discussion item: Update on tech committee meetings (Walter Hammerwold)

Discussion about management of the listserv; Kelly Goff will take over listserv management for the time being.

  1. Discussion Item: Update on JACC State Franchise Tax Board issues (Patricia Stark)
  2. Discussion Item: Conference planning update (Kelly Goff)
  3. BNC Contract renewal

Judy moved; Rick seconded → APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY


5:43 p.m. Rick moves to adjourn, Walter seconded → APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY

Posted in Meeting Minutes.