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Host Olivia Bowman led a discussion on overcoming difficulty finding sources.
Tonight’s chat was led by new host, Olivia Bowman, co-editor in chief for Skyline College’s The Skyline View. The topic was new staff and new […]
Tonight’s #JACCChat was lead by Olivia Bowman, co-editor in chief for The Skyline View at Skyline College. She takes over hosting the chat for the […]
Tonight’s chat on mid-semester motivation was hosted by JACC Student President James Duffy.
Tonight’s chat about building relationships with sources was hosted by JACC Student President James Duffy.
Tonight’s chat about election coverage was hosted by JACC Student President James Duffy.
August 2018 Topic: Training Staff Hosted by: Adreana Estigoy Let’s learn from one another & from advisers too: What’s the best way to train new […]
Check out our archive of this #JACCChat, guest hosted by Adreana Estigoy. We’ve also embedded it here for you!
Check out our archive of this chat, hosted by Amber Lipsey. We’ve also embedded it here for you!
JACC NorCal Student Director Isaac Norman hosted the chat.