March 8, 2013 minutes

March 2013 Journalism Association of Community Colleges
Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting begun by Mary Mazzocco at 5:33 p.m. Friday, March 8

Directors present:
Mary Mazzocco
Patricia Stark
Anne Belden
Manika Casterline
Melissa Cano
Genelle Belmas
Joe Wirt
Judy House

Staff members present:
Timi Poeppelman
Rich Cameron
Kelly Goff

Action Items
I. Kelly’s treasurer contract. No discussion. Patricia moves to approve contract for three-year term. Anne seconds. Motion carries unanimously.

II. 2013 Distinguished Service to Journalism Award must be decided. Timi nominates Staci Baird of Stanford University. Judy moves to approve the nomination. Anne seconds. Motion carries unanimously.

Discussion items:
I. Judy asks about in-person June meeting. Timi recommends the board have three in-person meetings. Patricia recommends the first Friday in June for the in-person meeting, and recommends Oakland. Board decides to wait for election of new student officers in April to make final decisions.

II. 2013 First Amendment award winner has been decided. It will be Tyra Benoit of Santa Rosa Junior College.

III. Timi reports on the California Watch partnership.

IV. Timi reports that JACC has entered into a five-year sponsorship contract with AdCamp.

V. Timi reports that, according to Bhavisha Patel, the Statewide Publications Contest should be completed this week.

VI. Timi reports that the Student Press Law Center will have a presence at the convention, and will be available for consultations.

VII. Timi reports on the video vignettes that will be filmed at the convention as part of the Legacy program.

VIII. Patricia expressed concern that the student scholarship applications are too print-centric.

Anne moves to adjourn the meeting. Patricia seconds. Mary closes the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m. until Saturday, April 13, following general meeting.

Notes taken by Executive Secretary Kelly Goff

Posted in Board of Directors, Meeting Minutes.

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